Frequently Asked Questions

Please (click here) for more information on the SAIA’s members.

  • The fundamental criteria for SAIA membership is as follows:
    • The company has a non-life insurance licence and sells non-life insurance products and/or services.
    • Registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).
    • Registered with the Prudential Authority as a non-life insurance/reinsurance company.
  • If your organisation or company meets the above criteria, please complete the following application form and e-mail the completed form to us corporateaffairs@saia.co.za.

To verify the legitimacy of an organisation, please visit www.fsca.co.za. for more information on the SAIA’s members.

Regrettably, the SAIA does not endorse or promote products. We recommend that you approach our member companies directly on any commercial matters.

  • Follow the link to see if your insurer is registered with the SAIA.
  • If you want to lodge a complaint against a SAIA member, complete the SAIA complaints form. Click here and e-mail the completed form to Nicol@saia.co.za
  • The SAIA is only able to assist with complaints related to the SAIA Code of Conduct.
  • For short-term insurance complaints please visit the OSTI for The Ombudsman for Short-Term Insurance (OSTI). The OSTI does not deal with all complaints but they do provide (some) consumers with a free, efficient and fair dispute resolution mechanism. The FAIS Ombud also investigates and resolves complaints in terms of the FAIS Act and the Rules promulgated there under.