Non-Motor Insurance

Non-Motor Insurance

SAIA is involved in several non-motor insurance projects driven by SAIA members and/or by the challenges facing the non-life insurance industry. For instance, the importance of property insurance is underscored by the growing number of risk factors that jeopardise the sustainability of those currently insurable risk classes of insurance. Therefore, of great importance is finding initiatives that place the non-life insurance industry at the forefront of risk managing or preventatively managing those risks in collaboration with stakeholders such as Municipalities

Non-Motor Insurance

Some of the key projects the SAIA is currently involved in:

  • Climate change workshops on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Fire Risks to Buildings (Structural Fires).
  • Requirements set by the NRCS in terms of energy-efficient geysers.
  • The National Treasury’s Sustainable Finance (Insurance) project.

SAIA also has formal and/or informal relationships with the following external bodies:

  • Climate Wise (University of Cambridge).
  • The World Bank / International Labour Organization (ILO) office in South Africa.
  • FinmarkTrust.
  • The Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion (Cenfri).
  • The National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC).
  • The Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa (FPASA).