Through InFIReS, we will be able to make an even more meaningful contribution to reducing the impact of fire in the insured environment through meaningful research, projects and representation.
InFIReS will also help to ensure that the short term insurance industry continues to be provided with a recognised and credible fire safety voice and mechanism to demonstrate their commitment and contribution to improving fire safety and to reduce the impact of fire both within the industry and to society.
Our insurer services, under the InFIReS banner, are presently being re-organised as follows:
- InFIReS will remain within the Technical Division. The Technical Manager will have the overall responsibility for the programme while the InFIReS Programme Manager will assume direct responsibility for the initiative. The work will be conducted by FPASA technical staff and other contracted-in expertise as deemed necessary.
- The newly established InFIReS Steering Group will perform the function of the previous Insurer Project Advisory Committee (IPAC). The SAIA Fire Service Investigation Committee will also merge with the steering group. While the committee will be administered by the FPASA, the profile of the Steering Group will be revisited to ensure that it is representative of the short term insurance industry. The committee will also be independently chaired by Marcel Wood, who was chairman of the SAIA committee.
The remit of the steering group will include:
- Approving the areas and scope of research, representation and other specific projects.
- Monitoring progress in terms of the agreed programme of work for the year.
- Ensuring that all the fire-related deliverables, which form part of the SAIA overarching
Memorandum of Understanding with the National Disaster Management Centre, as agreed with the SAIA, are adequately met. It is envisaged that the Steering Group will meet on a quarterly basis with additional communications, as and when required, by e-mail.
The Steering Group will be underpinned by three specific sub-committees:
- A Fire Service Oversight Committee dealing with the fire brigades classification project, fire service improvement initiatives, representation on fire service forums (NAFSAC, Fire Brigade Board etc) and our National Fire Incident Reporting Strategy (NatFIReS) which is aimed at improving the collection and dissemination of statistics and fire loss information.
- A Legislation, Codes and Standards Committee dealing with the NBR’s, SANS standards and other fire safety legislation including the OH&S Act. This group will also have input to committee drafts of SANS fire-related standards under development or review.
- A Research Project Committee providing input on reports on specific projects as required prior to finalisation and distribution. The scope of work in this regard will include specific areas of research that have been identified, large loss reviews and fire safety guidance documents (includes work on active, passive, fire risk control and fire safety management issues).
It is envisaged that the sub-committees will also meet quarterly with more frequent communication by e-mail, as necessary.
The functions of the Steering Group and Sub-Committees will also be monitored by the FPASA Board of Directors.
The information and reports resulting from all InFIReS work will be communicated to short term insurers electronically, in hard copy and via the FPASA web site.
Communication with stakeholders will be further enhanced through a sponsored one day annual InFIReS Seminar, the first of which is due to be held towards the end of 2013.
Work will be programmed and paced to help ensure that it is achievable within the present insurer funding level, where possible. As participation by insurer’s increases, funding levels will be reviewed annually by the Board in relation to project costs.
The Association would like to encourage as many short term insurers as possible to become involved in both InFIReS and as stakeholder members of the FPASA.
FPSA will be exhibiting at the Southern African Emergency Services Institute’s Conference being held from the 12th – 17th May at the Expo centre in Johannesburg see www.saesi.com. In line with the merged roles of the SAIA: Fire Investigations Committee and the FPASA, SAIA’S banner will be part of the FPASA exhibit.
For information regarding participating on InFIReS committees or login details to access the insurer section on our website, contact Saritha Wolff, InFIReS Programme Manager on tel: 011 397 1618 or e-mail saritha@fpasa.co.za.
For further information on becoming an FPASA stakeholder member, contact David Poxon:
- FPASA General Manager on tel: 011 397 1618.
- Email: David Poxon