South African Insurance Association

+27 11 726 5381

Insurance Database System- SAIA Bulletin July 2019

What is the Insurance Database System (IDS)?

The Insurance Database System (IDS) is an information sharing platform established by SAIA for the benefit of the wider non-life insurance industry. The platform is aimed at combating fraud and managing risk within the industry. In its current format, IDS comprises of motor related information on personal lines claims and policy information, pooled by participating SAIA members of the non-life insurance industry.

Participation on the IDS is on a voluntary basis and thus far has 30 participants encompassing of insurers, underwriters and brokers.

Status update

In recent years, the use of the information in the IDS has extended from processing the information solely for the purpose of identifying fraud patterns, indicators and syndicates to using the information to supplement insurance underwriting processes as personal lines insurance specific variables such as previous insurance cover, insurance policy duration and breakages in insurance cover can be sourced from the IDS.

With changes in legislation, particularly the Protection of Private Information Act (PoPIA), SAIA recognised the need to assess the current privacy posture of the IDS arrangement in terms of key contracts between itself, IDS participants, the IT custodian, policyholders and service providers. Part of this assessment also includes the review of processes that relate to the IDS and how personal information is handled across the platform and involved stakeholders.

In fulfilling the above task, SAIA has appointed MOBIUS Consulting for the project. The project is estimated to run over 6 weeks having started on 22 July 2019. Upon conclusion of the project, the report will be shared with IDS participants. Any remedial recommendations presented in the report will be implemented by the IDS Steering Committee.

In addition to the PoPIA review, the IDS steering committee is currently advancing the IDS platform process. This will lead to the introduction of version 3 of the IDS. The scope of the process review includes system tables and definitions, governance structures and procedures. The review and implementation aim to complete by end of 2019.

Should you require any further information kindly contact Katlego Bolsiek, SAIA Insurance Risks Manager at