South African Insurance Association

+27 11 726 5381

SAIA Stakeholder Relations and Communication - SAIA Bulletin November 2018

SAIA Champions

During the change process at SAIA a few years ago, a member survey that sought to investigate how best we could communicate and share information between SAIA and its members was conducted and the outcome of that exercise was that a possible deployment of member company representatives, whose responsibility will be to receive information from SAIA and effectively channel or redistribute it to relevant departments within member companies to be referred to as SAIA Champions, could be of great assistance.

SAIA Champions, nominated by member company MDs, are senior persons in their companies who will gain greater insight into the SAIA initiatives with an aim of extracting optimum value for the member company, SAIA and the industry. Champions will also have direct access to some SAIA documents through a “SAIA Champions Only” page on the SAIA website.

SAIA conducted an induction exercise of the SAIA Champions on 26 November. However, we realise that this is an ongoing exercise.

SAIA Website Development
The new SAIA website is now in test phase, and we hope that the new design and functionality of the digital platform will offer all our valued stakeholders greater flexibility and increasingly interesting, engaging, relevant and streamlined content about our industry and the initiatives we do. The new website will integrate the consumer education mini website, thereby increasing the visibility of our financial literacy initiative.

As a result of technological advancements and advise from PHP, the Osip digital platform originators advised that the current platform version will not be supported by their servers effective 31 December 2018. We embarked on an Osip platform upgrade exercise after consultation with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA). The digital platform upgrade is now complete and the platform running on the latest version of PHP.

Stakeholder Relations Management
In collaboration with FTI Consulting, we are in the process of identifying, defining, prioritising and appropriately understanding and engaging our key audiences in the context of the SAIA mission and key objectives. The process of aligning our communication function with stakeholder management through the identification of these stakeholders, segmentation and the deployment of engagement tactics is key to attaining our goals going into 2019.

SAIA CEO Round Table and Indaba 2018
During the third quarter, we successfully hosted the CEO Round Table in Sandton. This is a very important briefing session and an important opportunity for member company CEOs and or nominated representatives, especially those who do not sit on the Board, to attend so that they are brought up to speed with what the organisation is doing for the industry. This also gives them that rare opportunity to ask questions about the progress of initiatives they may have an interest in.

Our annual SAIA Indaba 2018 was postponed pending the outcomes of the Nedlac negotiations and the summit which is expected to be held in the first week of March 2019. Our SAIA Indaba 2019 will follow on 4 April 2019.

For more information contact:
Kwanele Sibanda, Corporate Affairs Manager