SAIA is excited to announce the successful launch of the Trainee Inspector Internship Programme. Phase 1 of this Programme, a six-week work readiness programme, in partnership with Harambee has already been completed. From this phase 20 candidates were selected from the original 30 to continue into Phase 2, a 6-month Trainee Inspector Programme with Waidler.
The programme came into existence following the identification of a skills gap in the motor body repair inspector profession, and as such the programme was designed to cater for this skills pipeline. Interns that complete this Programme will be capable to work in the Motor Body Repair or short-term insurance industries; and motivated candidates may also continue to develop careers within the quality assessor/assurer spaces.
Phase 2 of the programme is designed in such a way that it will provide the learners with both theoretical and practical experience with regards to conducting assessments for MBRs, which will also include car accident investigations and accident reconstruction skills and therefore horning the skill that could also be utilized in the claims assessments and investigation division the short term insurance companies. It is anticipated that the candidates will be absorbed by either the MBR inspecting companies as assistant inspectors, insurance industry as entry level assessors/investigator or MBRs as internal assessor/quality assurers upon completion of the internship.
The programme is specifically aimed at attracting unemployed youth from previouosly disadvantaged regions of Gauteng and introducing them to a field of work with great potential for growth and development. Candidates with both matric maths and science or exposure with technical science N-courses (electrical and mechanical engineering) from the TVET colleges, with interest in the audit field within the motor body repair and short term insurance industries, were considered as the best fit for this Programme.
This Trainee Inspector Programme has been rolled out as pilot project and in line with driving the transformation objectives within the short term insurance industry through skills capacitation for the industry Enterprise and Supplier Development programme.
SAIA would like to acknowledge members that contributed towards the cost of this Programme.
For more information contact:
Zanele Gigaba, SAIA Transformation Manager