South African Insurance Association

+27 11 726 5381

Inaugural SAIA Indaba 2017

SAIA Inaugural Indaba 2017

The SAIA successfully hosted its inaugural Indaba on 10 May 2017 at the FNB Conference Centre. The event, themed “Supporting the National Development Plan through the Short-term Insurance Industry,” was well attended with representatives from various stakeholders, including government, financial sector bodies, industry captains, SAIA members and the media. Mr Ashraf Kariem from the office of the Minister in the Presidency gave the keynote address on behalf of Minister Jeff Radebe. He updated the audience on the progress of the National Development Plan (NDP), highlighting areas of achievement, challenges as well as those that needed more attention in meeting the goals of this important roadmap.

Economist, Dr Azar Jammine followed up with a talk on South Africa’s current economic situation and its future outlook, while participants in the two panel sessions also contributed to a robust but positive discussion on the NDP and the role of the industry. The importance of collaboration and partnerships amongst all stakeholders; the need for strong leadership in addressing South Africa’s triple challenges (poverty, unemployment and inequality), and the urgency required were themes that came out strongly from all panelists. There was also general consensus that the time for “talking” was over and that it was time for “implementing” the NDP.

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