Schools Financial Capability Project: Managing My Finances (10-12)
The teacher development workshops have been finalised, with the last workshop held on 14 April 2016. Forty-four workshops were held across the country, with more than 800 teachers undergoing training to enable them to teach financial literacy in their classrooms.
Next of Next Week (NONW) Industrial Theatre
The Next of Next Week (NONW) Industrial theatre shows kicked off on 16 May 2016. Twenty-seven locations have been selected for the shows across the country, targeting the low-income market. Some of the shows will also be conducted in Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) colleges to promote financial literacy amongst college students.
Next of Next Week TV Comedy series
Filming for the Next of Next Week Comedy series started in early May in Johannesburg. Due to the popularity of the last two seasons’ comedy series, episodes for season three will be extended from five minutes to 28 minute episodes. The six episode sitcom will be broadcast on eTV at the end of July or beginning August 2016.
For more information contact Leila Moonda, GM Governance and Transformation: Leila@saia.co.za