South African Insurance Association

+27 11 726 5381

SAIA Board Appoints Chief Executive

Media Release
17 December 2015


The Board of the South African Insurance Association (SAIA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Viviene Pearson as the SAIA Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 January 2016. The decision was taken at the Board’s meeting on 4 December 2015.

Prior to her appointment, Ms Pearson was the acting Chief Executive of the association since December 2014, while also still being responsible for the SAIA Motor and Property Insurance portfolio as the General Manager for Insurance Risks. Ms Pearson joined the SAIA in 2004 as the Image and Reputation Manager.

During her tenure as acting SAIA CEO, Ms Pearson successfully led the association through a challenging but necessary period of change, aligning it to the needs of its members. This involved the redefining of the SAIA’s value proposition as an industry body, as well as reviewing its business model to better serve its members and to deliver on its mandate. The new business model was approved by the SAIA Board on 9 September 2015, and will be implemented going forward.

The SAIA Board wishes Ms Pearson all the best in her new position and looks forward to working with her in furthering the objectives of the association and in repositioning the SAIA as a strong and relevant industry body. The Board also thanks the SAIA team for their continued dedication and hard work during the restructuring process.

Lizé Lambrechts
SAIA Chairman

For more information please contact:
Lelo Ntshalintshali
General Manager: Stakeholder Relations and Communication
Contact: +27 11 726 5381 or

About the SAIA
The South African Insurance Association (SAIA) is the representative body of the short-term insurance industry. It represents the industry to all relevant stakeholders to ensure a sustainable and dynamic industry. SAIA has 61 members, comprising all categories of short-term insurers, including reinsurers. Its members abide by the SAIA Code of Conduct, which ensures adherence to best-practice industry standards and self-regulation.